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JULY 14TH, 2018


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Welcome to Axum Alumni Association's 


This is Axum Alumni Association's updated new website. 

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Axum Alumni Association Is a non profit and non political organization. It was established on September 03-06  in Denver Colorado. Our organization's mission is to Improve quality of education by providing material and financial support to the school in Axum and Environs. Our goal is to have a strong organization and strong membership Nation wide to be able to help the schools in Axum and Environs. 
Since the Inception of the School in Axum there has been so much ware and tear on the building it self and on the compound of the school that needs to be maintained. As we all know so many aspects of the school need maintenance. Our aim is to help the school and the students with what ever we can by providing and fulfilling some of the needs they have. Instead of waiting for government to do every thing for us, we should oganize our selves contribute every thing we could.

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© Copyright Axum Alumni Association

Contact Us




GEGebretsadkan Gebru Attention:Axum Alumni Association

2980 Rusticwood Dr.

Snellville, Georgia 30078

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